Babies and ICT

Here at daisykins nursery the babies had the opportunity to explore a nursery rhyme app on a computer tablet. The babies used their fingers to touch the functions on the screen, they pressed an icon and watched with amazement as to what happened. The children listened to the different songs and moved their feet and hands to the rhythm of the music. This learning experience enabled our babies to show curiosity and explore ICT  at a young age.

ICT  at daisykins nursery is immersed for children to explore and develop a wider understanding of how things work. All children, even babies here at daisykins are provided with opportunities to develop an awareness and understanding of information and communication technology. Children have easy access to ICT technology as they are brought up in an environment that contains technology for example, mobile phones, computers, digital cameras etc, children of all ages easily learn how to work each piece of equipment.

Children accept technology as part of their every day life, children are able to pick up a piece of equipment explore the functions and quickly work out how it works. Bringing children up in a technological world enables children to develop a range of skills, they begin to understand cause and effect, their language develops rapidly learning new words and most importantly it offers children the opportunity to understand how things work and why.



Use of dummies for your child


The Wheels on the bus