Exploring The World Of Colour in Pre-School

In the Pre-School at our Whitehall nursery the children have been exploring the world of colour. Practitioners have set up different activities where the children have been able to explore what happens to different colours when they are mixed with others.
Practitioners explained to the children that there are three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and when these are mixed together in different combinations they make the secondary colours. To show the children what colours these make they set up three jugs, each one filled with paint in a primary colour mixed with water and gathered a group of children around a tuft spot. The practitioner than encouraged the children to take it in turns to follow her instructions. One of the children was asked to pour some of the yellow mixture into an empty jug and then another child was encouraged to add some of the red paint solution to it. The children watched in awe as the colours mixed to make orange. The process was then repeated with blue and yellow to make green and red and blue to make purple. During free play time in the water tray later that day/week the children were encouraged to attempt this activity themselves independently.
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Another colour mixing activity that a practitioner set up for the children to take part in involved them painting their hands in two different primary colours. The children were then encouraged to print these onto a piece of paper and then rub their two hands together. When they separated their hands they were amazed to see that a third, secondary, colour has been made. The children then printed this handprint on to the paper too.
The children also looked at how to change the shade of colours as well. They started off with a dark colour and then were encouraged to add white paint to it and explore how the colour had changed at different stages as they added paint a little by little.
Our Pre-School children at our Whitehall nursery have really enjoyed exploring colours and taking part in some different activities that have been provided. They are going to further their understanding during National Science Week and explore how other things can change.

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