Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Feeding the Three Bears
The children in Toddler Room grouped around the tuff tray that was full of porridge and different sized pots and spoons. They began filling and emptying their pots whilst using the words "Mix" and "More". As soon as their pot was full they tipped it out and filled it up again, repeating this pattern of play several times.
Ann, one of our practitioners who is based in Toddler Room, asked the children if they wanted to go and get some bears to feed them some porridge. Two children went off with Ann to get some cuddly toy bears, returning shortly after and bringing them over to the tray, giving each of their friends a bear.
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The children sat their bears infront of them, placing them next to their friends' bears and pretended to feed them some porridge. One little boy said "He doesn't want any". Instead he helped feed his friends bear saying "Would he like some?" Ann extended the activity by asking the children simple questions relating the popular story of 'The Three Little Bears', for example, "Is the porridge hot or cold?" The children used different sized spoons to scoop up the porridge to feed the bears. They were able to identify the large and small spoon and were also able to match the right sized spoon to the correct sized bear that it belonged to. As the children demonstrated mathematical concepts, Ann encouraged the children to count the amount of spoons of porridge as they fed their bears. One little boy said " My bear is full".
After finishing feeding the bears the children took them back to the room to put them sleep in their cosy book corner.