Maternelle Apprend Francais

Daisykins Day Nursery in Rugby are lucky to have a talented, bilingual member of staff who has recently began teaching the children in Pre-School to speak French.

The children first learnt the basics, with a child who also has knowledge of French helping the practitioner to teach their friends. They began by teaching the children the French word for "Hello". Shortly after, a chorus of children calling "Bonjour" echoed around the room.

The practitioner, Ana, taught the children the French words for a variety of colours, beginning with the primary colours. Ana led the session by playing a colour recognition game in which the children were shown a coloured shape and asked the name of the colour. Once recognised, Ana then told the children the name of the colour in French. The children repeated the word back to her each time.

A memory game was then devised using the various coloured shapes with the intention of seeing how many of the colours the children could remember in French. The children were fantastic and showed excellent listening skills. Through-out the activity the children maintained their attention, concentration and focus for a period of time. Ana even tried to trick the children out but couldn't!

Tres Bien, Maternelle! We are looking forward to seeing what the children learn in French next!


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