Splish Splash Squirt

The children in baby plus had a very busy morning splishing, splashing and squirting during a wet water play expereince. This water play experience  provided children the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills by squeezing the end of the large pipettes,  they began to understand the concept of squeezing, squirting and splashing

Water play is one of the most relaxing activities children can experience, it relieves tension and encouraging children to release their emotions by expressing themselves through their play. In addition, social skills expand as children play cooperatively; negotiate; and share equipment, space, and materials.

As the children played alongside their peers they communicated with each other using  gestures and pointing.The children were able to experiment and learn basis science concepts, they also strengthened their physical skills, developed their social and emotional skills and enhanced language development.

This fun water experience allowed children to use their imaginations skills as they were very eager to find other ways of splashing the water around for example using the ends of the pipettes to mix the water round and round to create a swirling pattern.


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