Christmas is Coming at Daisykins Rugby Free!
Lots of Festive Fun at Daisykins Rugby Free Nursery
A fun packed Christmas activity morning was planned for the children at Daisykins Rugby Free Nursery. One of the practitioners, Chloe, set up a Nativity story tuff tray to help the children understand the true meaning of Christmas. Characters from the story were incorporated into the activity, allowing the children to act out the story and play a part. The children grouped around the tray and took it in turns to be a character. They were very intrigued as to who the characters were. The practitioners read the story to the children to help them become familiar with who was in the story.[ngg src="galleries" ids="287" display="basic_slideshow"]There was also a playdough activity set out, which was a great success with nearly every child having accessed the table. The children demonstrated their creative skills as they independently selected the items they wanted to print onto their playdough. Fir cones, cotton wall and Christmas Ribbons were on the table for the children to choose from.
Over on the creative table, one of the practitioners, Charlotte, was busy making Christmas Cards with the children, encouraging them to write their names inside the card. The children commented on the marks they made and Charlotte gave them praise for their efforts. A fantastic Nativity Scene had been set up in the corner of the room, including dressing up clothes for the children to use and a makeshift barn area with straw and a crib for Baby Jesus, who was laid in the crib to sleep. One little girl said "Shh. Baby Jesus is sleeping. Don't wake him. Leave him alone." The children took it in turns to share the dressing up costumes with Mary's costume being one of the popular ones.
The children were proud of the handprint wreaths they made with one of the practitioners, Sammi. They painted their hands green and printed these on paper. To develop the children's physical skills they were encouraged to cut out their handprints, ready to use when making the wreath.To finish the fun packed morning off, a group of children made some festive spiced biscuits with Chloe. As the biscuits were cooking, the room filled with the pleasant smell of mixed spices, with children excitedly asking if their biscuits were cooked yet.