Babies getting creative
Autumn collage created by the Babies at Daisykins Nursery
Out in the garden at Daisykins Nursery in Rugby, a group of toddlers collected some fallen leaves in a bucket for an autumn activity for the babies. The babies woke up from their morning nap and were ready to have fun creating their Autumn Collage.[ngg src="galleries" ids="244" display="basic_slideshow"]Practitioners placed a sheet of brown paper on the table and sprinkled the leaves on top, they filled up the paint pots with different coloured paints and welcomed the babies to the activity. Various sized paint brushes and sponges were offered to the babies to use, enabling them to make their own choices, however, some preferred to use their hands.Not only did the babies show curiosity over the texture of the leaves they were also fascinated by the texture of the paint. They dipped their little fingers into the pots of paint and scrunched up their hands, allowing the paint to run through their fingers.To extend the learning opportunities further practitioners gathered Autumn items from the garden eg leaves twigs helicopter leaves and set up an Autumn tuff spot tray for the babies to investigate.