Christmas Baking with Children
As Christmas is an ideal time to bake with children practitioner Sophie planned a festive morning baking some Christmas Cheese Biscuits. She explained to the children what they were making and asked the children what each of the ingredients was.

The children popped on their hairnets and aprons and were ready to get baking. The children worked together as a team, passing the ingredients around the table. Different sized scoops were used to add the ingredients to their bowls to ensure the right amount was added. The children mixed the ingredients together and used the palm of their hands to flatten their dough. Practitioner Sophie asked the children which Christmas cutter they wanted to use.
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Introducing cooking into a nursery day is a fantastic practical way to teach children basic life skills. It can also promote many areas of learning from developing their fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and even learning early concepts of math and science. Read more about our little master chefs in Toddlers.