"Going on a Bear Hunt"
Joining in activities based on the popular story "Going on a Bear Hunt"
Practitioners in the Toddler room observed children showing an interest in the popular story "Going on a bear hunt". Therefore, to extend the children's interest further lots of activities were planned around this story.
To start the week off the children went to the dance floor to listen to the story "Going on a bear hunt" read by practitioner Lisa. After reading the story the children used the dance floor to re-enact parts of the story eg stumble trip stumble trip and walking through the squelchy mud. The children used their bodies to express the scenes in the story, swaying their arms back and forth to represent swirling through the snowstorm. Our Dance Room is a great space we have at Daisykins Nursery, as this room can be used for so many different purposes eg music and movement, listening to a story, yoga, football, or using the resources to help develop the children's physical skills.
With the children now more familiar with the words, phrases and sequencing of the story. Simona, Head of Toddlers set up an interactive activity for the children. This fun sensory activity involved the children taking off their shoes and socks and walking through trays of thick brown paint, cotton wool, grass, and water. As the children walked through each tray Simona read the story and the children joined in with the phrases eg thick oozy mud
On the wall in the Toddler
Following children’s interests is highly important at nursery as these interests are meaningful to the child and relevant to them. Here at Daisykins Nursery our skilful practitioners observe children during their play to look out for these particular interests. If you child has a particular interest at home don’t forget to mention this to your child’s key person as this interest can be incorporated into your child’s nursery day. Making the children's learning and development fun and exciting for them.