Our Teddy Bear Picnics

During the month of July at Daisykins Nursery in Rugby we held Teddy Bear Picnics for each of our rooms. We held them in the afternoons from 3:30-5pm, just in time for tea, and invited parent/carers and siblings to come along and join in the fun. 
First to have theirs were Pre-School and Baby room. All the children that were in that afternoon came along as well as some of their friends, parents/carers, brothers and sisters. The older children and some of the bigger babies, with support from practitioners, used child sized knives to butter their own bread. The children then had a choice between jam or cheese spread, with some choosing both, to spread on as well. Once they had put their sandwiches together the children were then encouraged to use a teddy bear, gingerbread man/woman, heart or dog cutter to cut out their own sandwich shapes. The children were very good at pushing them into the bread hard and were pleased to see the finished results!
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The following day Pre-School Minors and Toddlers had their Teddy Bears Picnic and lots more parents/carers and siblings came along. The children took part in making their own sandwiches too and the helped themselves to a range of other picnic foods, including sausage rolls, sausages, carrot and cucumber sticks, cupcakes, party rings and of course teddy bear shaped crisps!
After the children and parents/carers had finished tucking into the delicious food they were given the chance to explore the different activities in the garden that had been set up. It was also an opportunity for the parents/carers to see their children interacting with their friends and for them to meet fellow parents/caters.
Here at Daisykins Nursery in Rugby we like to provide opportunities for parents to spend time with their children within the setting and understand the importance of having positive parent partnerships. We throughly enjoyed the Teddy Bear Picnics and were pleased with how successful they were so will definitely be planning some similar events soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

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