Practicing moving in different ways
Joining in balancing, target throwing, rolling, kicking and catching
A group of children from Pre School and Pre School Minors went off to join in some fun activities in Boogie Dais, our dancefloor. Sophie, one of our practitioners who is based in Pre School, used various pieces of equipment to create an obstacle course for the children to complete.
The children watched as the practitioners demonstrated what to do at each station of the
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As they lined up at the start line Sophie asked the children how many different ways they could move in. The children responded with several suggestions, including jumping, crawling and walking. The obstacle course featured activities that involved throwing, for example, encouraging the children to aim beans bags into buckets, throw a large ball into the basketball net and throwing a large dice, completing the number of
The children waited patiently for their turn and helped one another when they needed support. The mini hurdles posed a challenge for some of the children as they caught their foot and knocked the hurdle over when trying to jump over them. This encouraged them to think of another way of travelling over the hurdle, with most of the children deciding to put one foot over the hurdle at a time.
As the children completed the course they showed great satisfaction, particularly in their facial expressions, and they couldn't wait to have another go. The children showed many different ways of moving when building upon their physical skills.