Pre-School's Ice Experiments

This month at our Whitehall setting in Rugby the children in Pre-School have been taking part in some ice experiments.
While out in the garden one of the children spontaneously went over to the water tray and noticed that something had happened to the water in it. They went over to a practitioner and said "look there's some ice!" A few children gathered around the tray and a practitioner explained to them that the water had frozen because it was very cold outside. The children picked up the ice and talked about what it felt like. One child said "It's making my hand cold" and another said "It's very slippery!" 
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After they had explored the ice outside they decided to take it indoors to see what would happen. Some of the children predicted that it would melt, which of course it did. 
As a next step from this activity and to follow on from their interests that the children had shown, a practitioner suggested that they leave a bowl of water outside to see what would happen to it. After a few days the children went to check in their water and discovered that it too had frozen. The children were very impressed and again explored the ice and showed it to their friends. 

Pre-School's Self Potraits


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