"Sad Steve" story written by our children
Practitioners Sophie and Jodie would like to tell you about their exciting project as part of their literacy specialism.Great dais Pre School and Pre-School minors worked together to create a fantastic book called "The story of Sad Steve". It started with an idea to create a story with the children, practitioners sat down with them and brainstormed different ideas including the characters they wanted to appear in the story and their names.Children and practitioners worked together to write the structure of the story, collate ideas and decide on the illustrations, as the children talked about the illustrations it led the practitioners to enhance and carry on the same illustrations throughout the story.Practitioners have displayed the children's artwork of their favourite character in the book.Throughout the process of creating this book the children were kept up to date of how the book was progressing. The children were very eager to look at the pictures and talk through with their friends who the characters were and what was happening in the story."Sad Steve" story is aimed at all ages, young children are able to follow the story using the pictures cues where as older children are able to read the words. The aim of this story is to teach the children about being kind to their friends and that everyone is to be treated equally.Creating this book enabled the children to develop their critical thinking skills, literacy skills and to encourage the children to work together as a small group. Children from a young age enjoy making up stories and inventing make believe characters, this experience captures children's imagination skills.