Once Upon a time....
Story time at Daisykins nursery is a fundamental part of our routine it helps children to understand the time of the day and it encourages the development of early literacy skills. A book box containing an variety of books are readily available in all rooms for children to access when they wish and props such as puppets are used to support the story. Children in Baby Plus are currently displaying an interest in nursery rhymes therefore books based on this theme are shared during story time. A firm favourite story book based on nursery rhymes is Incy Wincy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.The story of Incy Wincy Spider is all about Incy going on an adventure he try's to climb the spout to get home but repeatedly gets washed out by the rain. Practitioners started story time by singing the nursery rhyme and then moved on through the story using lots of up and down intonations and whilst using a lively beat. Due to the repetitive nature of this story the children loved joining in with the some of the words and copying the actions such as 'oh no' and 'O Ohh'. Repetitive stories are great for encouraging children's early listening skills and literacy skills as children are learn new words rapidly.The Twinkle Twinkle Little Star story contains a mouse who share his thoughts about stars, the story follows the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. This story is a fantastic aid to helping calm and soothe the children as at the end of the story the mouse gets very tired and goes off to bed. The children were very engaged in this story and when the mouse went to bed the children all waved and blew kisses to the mouse as he fell asleep.Having story time here at nursery encourages development in Communication, Language and Literacy as well as Personal, Social and Emotional Development. As story times is part of the children's routine at nursery it allows children to become more familiar with their day and helps to makes them feel secure as they know what is coming next.