Ten Top tips To Soothe Your Crying Baby
One of the most frustrating challenges a new parent faces is soothing her upset baby, especially one who has been recently fed, changed, and loved. Fussiness among babies is a generalization that is usually applied to a number of irritants, and you might fail to understand what is distressing your little one, nonetheless this should not worry you. Calming your upset baby is all about understanding and mastering the simple art of distraction. The next time you’re at a loss about how to calm your little one, put some of these ten top tips to soothe your crying baby.Wrap him or her upBabies especially newborns and those who are below a month old were used to the womb and its cozyness. When they are born they take some time to adjust to their new environment. When your little one cries it simply indicates that he or she misses her small nest. Therefore it is important that you create an artificial womb for him or her by wrapping them up in a nice and warm blanket. Wrapping your little one especially with his or her arms inside the swaddle will help in calming him down and he will eventually stop crying.Using a Poddle PodPoddle pods are a great hands free snuggle nest that mould around the baby which leads to baby feeling warm and comfortable. It enables you as parents to put baby down in a safe and secure place whilst then being able to do other duties around the house. Babies often get upset for no reason as they have been fed, changed and winded, by laying them down in these Poddle Pods babies are able to find a comfortable position and often drift off to sleep.http://www.poddlepod.com/
Swing your little oneSome babies do enjoy the baby swing. Get swings that rotate in different directions and at varying speeds. Let your baby swing gently in them and as he or she swings play some white noise or slow music. You will be amazed with how effective this method will help in calming him or her down.Shift positionsIf you were cradling you upset baby change the babies position and turn them round so they can see things in front if them and they are still no happy you can try another position. Try holding your baby face down with your arm under the baby’s belly this may sooth him or her the pressure underneath can help in relieving the uncomfortable wind.White noiseIn the womb the baby was used to very little noise. But when outside the womb she or found plenty of disturbing noise so the best way to sooth him or her is to simply create a noise free environment or simply play white noise. You can turn on the dishwasher, tune the radio to a station that plays soft music and reduce the volume or simply turn on the hair drier. You will be surprised with how effective this is in soothing your little one.Change the scene or environmentIf your baby is still crying, try changing the scene. Most babies love going outdoors and regardless of the weather try taking your little one outside. If it is so cold, wrap him or her up to keep her warm and take her outside for fresh air.Let someone else hold him or herIt is amazing how babies including the newly bones can recognize when they are in the arms of their primary care giver. Sometimes, breaking this this bond for a few minutes can help in calming them down. Let someone else hold him or her for some time.Use a dummyBabies do possess a powerful sucking instinct. With this knowledge get your baby a dummy to suck. Research shows that dummies also help in preventing sudden infant death syndrome. It is therefore important to have a dummy just in case your baby gets irritable.Shhhh!By simply shushing directly into the ear of your baby can help in calming him or her down. You can do this in a gentle and calm manner.Give your baby a massageDon’t ignore the soothing power of your hands. Gently massaging your crying baby can help in calming him or her down. Most babies enjoy the warmth and calming effect of skin-to-skin contact. You can offer him this by letting your baby rest with only her nappy on, onto your bare chest.BurpingWhen your baby cries he or she can gulp down air that can make him or her more uncomfortable and irritable. Try winding her with gentle pats on her back. Hold her in the classic position with her head over your shoulder and gently wind her.In conclusion, the above ten top tips to soothe your crying baby are meant to teach parents who have difficulties in calming their babies and soothing them to sleep how to easily sooth their babies.