Babies Explore Christmas Tuff Tray
Sparkly Christmas Fun
Kelly, our Nursery Manager collected a range of Christmas items and set up a tuff tray activity for the babies to explore. Placed in the tuff tray were fir cones, bells and plastic baubles. Bottle carriers and cardboard boxes were also added to this activity. Sparkly fabric and other Christmas items were hidden inside the boxes, ready for the children to find.

As the babies ventured into the room they looked at all the items and sat down next to them. For several minutes they were unsure of what to explore first, but after this initial thought process they were fully engaged. The babies were fascinated with the bottle carriers, putting the fir cones into the tube, soon realising that their little arms didn't reach all the way to the bottom to retrieve them. The practitioners encouraged the babies' perseverance, allowing them to experiment with ways of getting the items out of the tubes. After a period of time they discovered how to get the bells and fir cones out, tipping the tube upside down, watching as the items came rolling out. The babies sat for a while emptying and filling the boxes independently before Vicky, our Head of Baby Room, joined in their play, adding items to the tubes. She used simple descriptive and mathematical words such as "More" and "Shiny" to support their play and encourage their Communication and Language development.
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The children showed curiosity when exploring the objects in the tray. One little boy was intrigued by the light up bauble, watching the lights go on and off, pointing to them as they shone.