When Is It Right To Potty Train?

Potty Chart

It’s often difficult to know when it is the right time for your little one to start potty training but to get your child’s potty routine up and running you can rely on us for support.

When you think your child is ready, it is best to talk to the manager and/or key person to work out the best arrangements to start. It’s all about when your little one is ready, and this can vary greatly from child to child. Follow the lead of your child; when s/he is ready for the potty s/he will let you know.

There is no particular potty trial age i.e. when my child is two potty training will commence – and it is best to introduce your child to the routine at home (a familiar, safe environment). If s/he doesn’t want to sit on the potty or is not interested, or does not give you signals that s/he is ready, it is probably not the right time – leave it for a while. Don’t worry, your child is not behind. Bear in mind that it is not a good time to develop a new routine in times of potential stress for example; a change of family circumstance or a house move.

Potty Training

Accessibility is an important factor, so making sure a potty is in site and available to your little one will always help. Putting your child's favorite stickers on the potty will develop a sense of ownership (perhaps adding stickers each time s/he uses it). Sometimes you will find your child wants to have a wee when you are having one, there's nothing like leading by example!

Your unit practitioners will do their best to understand your requirements for your child throughout the day although potty training can be the most difficult (and messy) routine your child might go through - ensure you bring in plenty of bottoms and socks! It might take time for your little one to get there, and sometimes when s/he has had dry pants for several weeks, s/he seems to go backwards and wet/soil themselves again. Don’t worry this is quite normal. Eventually (I promise) it will all work out in the end! As time goes by your child will grow in confidence with everyday potty and toilet routine training.

For more advice go to http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/potty-training-tips.aspx

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